Wednesday, 26 March 2014


In less than six weeks, I'll be joining the legion of the recently-graduated - the soon-to-be disillusioned, we-used-be-so-young-and-so-fun people that are straddling the line between responsibility and, I don't know, naive hope in the future?

I bet there are a million thinkpieces on this type of stuff. I'm trying to avoid reading them. Between seeing friends, spending time drinking tea in strange coffee shops and re-igniting a sentimental side of myself not seen since the age of 15, I couldn't much care about the qualms of what it's like to move on to the next stage of my life.

Instead, I spend nights reading books and watching movies and pretending I don't have to pack my life up into my parents' basement in the next few weeks.

I was having a conversation with a friend the other night, and this phrase came out: "You either become boring or you die. Hopefully the latter comes before the former." (I'm actually not sure what was said exactly. I'll have to refer to it when I get home.)

I think the fear, in general (IN GENERAL!), is that we're all so scared to be boring. University, in a way, reassures us that we have purpose. We have that end goal. We're not boring!

Just over a year ago, I wrote a post about how terrified I was to start the next year of my life. Now, on the other side, I don't think there was very much to be scared of at all. I learned a lot, and grew a lot, but now I think I'm finally ready to go.

It's strange to finally feel like you've done something. But that's assuming that accomplishment is the only way to demarcate personal success.

Monday, 10 March 2014

First Kisses: An Internet Thing

Thank goodness for the Internet. Otherwise, this video wouldn't be out there - and, as some of you might know, this has been making the rounds online all evening.

I'd argue that a good kiss is so much more powerful than a good fuck, or whatever you want to call it. There's much less skin, much less awkward and a lot more of that sweetness that can make your mind zone out and your body "blush all over" (as I saw someone aptly describe on Twitter today).

My first kiss was in a crowded movie theatre. His nose got in the way and I didn't know how to tilt my head properly. Hopefully I've improved since then.

My best kiss was after we hadn't seen each other in a very long time. I've had happy kisses, in the same vein, since then. My most recent one was sweet - also unexpected and in public. My worst one involved too much teeth and tongue. My saddest one was on my parents' driveway, not too long ago actually. (Look at me; I could go on forever about kissing!)

Now that the year is winding down, and I'm that much closer to ~*~funemployment~*~, I'll be using this space a lot more. Hard to believe I've been blogging (half-assedly, I'll admit) for nearly three years now. 

What started out as a space for me to practice quasi-anonymous Internet rambling has turned into ... the exact same thing, albeit a bit more annoying, more or less.

EDIT: Turns out it's actually a fashion ad, which we may have all noticed were we paying closer attention to the credits. Still, the sentiment is there. If you're looking for alternatives, though, VICE did a neat thing where they pulled strangers off the street and got them to kiss. Sort of produces the same effect. Sort of.

MORE EDITS: I wish I had written something about brands leveraging emotion to sell something. See: Westjet and P&G, though more subtle, use similar methods of associating their product with feel-good feelings.
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