Tuesday, 22 April 2014


I had one of those nights where I went to bed at 4:30 am and, upon seeing the clock strike 5:45, decided to just fuck it and forgo sleeping. I haven't been able to fall asleep before 4 am since January or so - call it a function of working a crazy job, but also being too focused on too many things at once to have a settled mind.

It turns out that the sun was supposed to rise at 6:10 am, so off I went to the lake to settle my thoughts before heading for a solitary Sunday breakfast and antique market browse. Always a good way to end the weekend.

A vintage map I bought my parents. They've been on the hunt for one for a while now.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Summer Soon

This reminds me of two things - that wide expanse of countryside that's a two minute drive from my house, and the fact that I unrelentingly loved Ra Ra Riot ("indie", etc.) at the same time that I came to Queen's.

This video, though a few years old, is something I revisit sometimes when I need to be reminded of the latter. And, now that I'm reaching the final stages of life at school, it's nice to go back to the beginning. Somehow. Even if it's a little #hipster.

**I also just realized that I titled this blog post "Summer Soon", and the previous one "Soon". Maybe this will let you know where my mind is at right now.
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