Monday 12 November 2012

Dyed Hair

I once had an obsession with dyeing my hair. I wanted to do that common Azn (~~~~~, etc.) thing where you put blonde streaks in your EBONY BLACK hair. It was not a nice thing. And I thank my mother everyday for preventing me from making a mess with bleach and whatnot.

But now the ends of my hair are a confusing shade of brown, so maybe her finger-wagging didn't work out after all.

Anyway, here's a song that I've been listening to too much for it to be considered okay anymore.

It's my birthday this Wednesday, which means I will be eating food (medium rare sirloin, maybe) or drooling over Ben Whishaw in Skyfall. I loved him as Keats and I expect I will love him just as much as Q.

A few weeks late, but here's an article I wrote for the Journal about taxidermy. I spent an early weekday morning touring the underside of the BioSci building to get a taste of dead animals (ew?) and what goes into stuffing them, etc. It's a weird fascination of mine (along with birds, used book shops, and sad people). 

If you like taxidermy, though, read this article by UBC alum Rachel Poliquin. She runs a blog called Ravishing Beasts, and spent a lot of time looking at dead animals and their taxidermists for her thesis. A really interesting read.

Now, I leave you with this - a button that takes you to useless websites. It's amazing, I swear.

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